Explain to your child that the clock consists of a dial, numbers, and arrow – hour and minute. When he will remember, leave only the hour hand and numbers. Show how slowly the arrow moves. Explain that if the pointer is on the number one then one hour. If a little farther then a few more hours. You can take a few months. Opposite numbers draw event. For example, next to 7 - the child wakes up. 9 – Breakfast in the garden. First draw a few pictures. Don't rush time. But always ask the child what time it is.
Now go on to dealing with the minute hand. The child must understand that it is a long time and moves faster. Then explain that the minute hand goes all round in one hour. That is, moves to the next digit. Ask him to show you how to put the arrow to get half an hour, hour and half hour, two hours, and so on.
Around the face, draw small figures to determine the minutes from 1 to 60. Explain that the division between the two numbers includes 5 minutes and that the minute hand goes full circle in 60 minutes or one hour. Give your child tasks to show you the movements of hands, 10 minutes, 15, 20.
Introduce such concepts as a quarter of an hour, half an hour.
Now explain how to determine when one minute passed. Show how the clock will look like 7 minutes and like 12. Draw with the child and his routine. Next to the event draw, the dial depicting the time.
If you think that the child is already quite prepared, go to a real clock. Do not expect that at this age the child will be able to understand all the details. But it will be able to remember the main points. Ask as many questions as possible. Play with the child in determining time every day. Otherwise he will quickly forget all that appears, the skills and you have the whole process start again.