How to attract people's attention?
To attract the attention of other people is the easiest way to be the center of attention. To attract the attention of other people, you simply differ from them.

The easiest way to do with appearance.
Clothing. Dress in the latest fashion, or extravagant. In the colors of clothing give preference to bright, catchy colors. If you want to be the center of attention protivopolojnoe gender, sexual preference, give fashion style. For women, for example, is a fitted garment, emphasizing the seductive forms. Also make one or two small touch: for the skirt/dress, neckline, or a couple of undone buttons on the blouse; red stilettos, etc.
Jewelry. Give preference to an extravagant and ethnic jewelry. Or it can be a decoration with a twist.
Hair. The easiest way to attract people's attention – to make an unusual hairstyle. But it's not necessary. Most importantly, the hairstyle should be in harmony with your clothing style and image.
But looks aren't everything. Also important is your manner of conduct: the shocking or mysterious as you like.
But do not forget the proverb: "meet on odezhke – see off on mind". Don't forget that appearance is still wrap, is much more important than your content.
How to get rid of shyness or inhibition?
Timidity, shyness, low self-esteem, different systems – everything is very, very hurt to be the center of attention. Even if you don't strive to be the center of attention, sometimes you still have to do it. For example, to speak publicly, to speak, to Express their opinion, etc. Shyness and complexes force you to "not stick out", "hiding in shell" and avoid situations where you need to be the center of attention.
If you are afraid to be the center of attention, you will not appreciate, will not improve in the post, you will not be able prizvesti the right experience at the right time. But thus you lose your chance. If you will always be invisible, you will never realize their full potential.
The best way to learn to be the center of attention is a practice, a constant practice in communication. Communicate constantly with different people. Improve your self-esteem.
Don't focus on what you think about. If you are afraid of criticism, stop criticize yourselves. At the time of communication or speech not think about what you think about. You, there is only the thoughts you want to share, or ideas you want to convey. When a person says something with enthusiasm, he does not think in those moments about yourself.
How to become the soul of the company
To become the soul of the company, you need to be able to interest, amuse or surprise people. In General, to be a "ringleader".
Show a sense of humor, wit, tell jokes, or describe a hilarious story.
Well, if you have a hobby or passion that you can demonstrate to friends. For example, songs under a guitar, or any other tricks. Well, if you have a vivid imagination and you generate ideas so you do not get bored.
However, the soul of the company can be not everyone. For example, if you are self-absorbed introvert. Then why do you need to play someone else's role? First of all, be yourself, be interesting to talk to – that is enough!
How to become a bright personality
The center of attention of people are the people that are. People who just want to stand out, to impress the surface. They take the external as the internal content.
Meanwhile, a bright and charismatic person can dress modestly, and behave with a modest dignity, not to be the soul of the company and to avoid the increased attention.
To become such a person, we must first self-realization in professional activity. You need to be a Maverick and do not adapt to the tastes and desires of the majority. You need to be a strong individual. You need to have the character to achieve his goal. Such strong and successful men are always attractive to other people.