You will need
  • file robots.txt
That the site is effectively crawled by the search engine and added accordingly, it should be a big effect to be given to the availability of the project. You should ensure the reliability of the host and that the site is functioning normally, otherwise these factors may significantly reduce the quality of indexing pages search robot.
Create a file robots.txt that gives instructions to search spiders and allows them faster and easier to move around the structure of the site. In addition, in this file you can specify data that are not desirable for indexing, and the robot will miss them.
To make a site more visible, you should make sure that the site is convenient for handling. It is necessary to specify all the HTML pages tags for key phrases, descriptions, and copyright rights. Also, when optimization is necessary to specify the parameter ALT tags, which is also widely used robots.
Organize convenient navigation, which is necessary not only to visitors but also search engines. Install simple text links at the bottom, include links on every page of the website.
Map of the site also helps the robots to follow the structure of the site. A good map is a page that lists links to all other files. Sometimes included in the description.
To make the project visible also allow system link exchange. Exchange links with other webmasters. With various sites the search engines know about the existence of certain projects. Than on a larger number of sites the link is, the higher the likelihood of under scan.