You will need
  • materials for the manufacture of the sign and agreeing to install it with the district traffic police Department
Determine what type of sign will be installed. Road signs can be warning, regulatory, informational and forbidding. In order to determine what type of sign you need, analyze automovement in the intended area of installation. If you have difficulty in choosing the right sign, then ask for help in a district office of the traffic police.
Make a road sign. This can be done by yourself or in a specialized company that provides services to the population and enterprises for the production of metal structures. The installation of the sign as it is possible to trust firm, specializing in data services.
Contact the Department of traffic police, to get permission to install it.
Install road sign in accordance with generally accepted - at a given distance from the road in a certain area of visibility. It is important that when you install and sign the rules were followed, which reglamentary material for making, determine the distance of the sign from the road, as well as his sight. Install the sign shall have a height of 1.5-3 meters, be located in sight of drivers and pedestrians on the side of the road. There is another method of installation. Apply on the website of the traffic police. In the application describe the reasons why the sign should be installed at your location. If the application is approved, it will pass in the road service and after a time zone can be delivered the sign. The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a long time. Besides, it is not always the petition of the citizens approved.