You will need
  • - personal computer;
  • - Internet;
  • website
Create the very base of data that you connect to the website. Go to "control Panel" which is located on the site. Select "Database". Create a new document. After this operation, the obtained database will look as follows: account_Название database. You must also create a user name. Now to the resulting database connect script. Locate the file which defines the connection settings. It is usually called config.php.
Edit the configuration file. This can be done on a personal computer by going through "start" in the program "Notepad". Write down all the connection settings:
1)$hostName = "localhost"; // localhost is the hostname
2)$userName = "account_НазваниеПользователя"; // database user name
3)$password = "*****"; // the user's password
4)$databaseName = "account_НазваниеБазыДанных"; // name of the database.
Further, all data transfer for hosting.
You can make database connection in a different way. Go to "control Panel" on the right hosting. In the menu, locate and click on the section "Managing MySQL users". Then click the "Add" button. Thus you have created a username and password. Click "Next". Go to the "Manage MySQL databases". Click on the "Add" button. In the description enter the name "Admin". Again click on the "Add" button. Remember your database name and password. Click "Next". A window will open where you need to make some adjustments. Add the user name of the database. On the host, create the directory database. In the folder you created, make a record. This file will be called connect.php. It includes the connection settings. If necessary, fill in all the required items using user data.