You will need
  • You can send an email if you have everything you need: a computer, a connection to bнтернету, e-mail (address), and email address of the person you wish to send a letter. If something is missing, it is reparable.
So, the computer and the Internet is - you need to have e-mail.
Go to any free email service, or any similar mail and register yourself. Usually you have to press the button "Register with email" or "create a mailbox" which you will find on the page of the mail online.
Registering a mailbox, you will be taken to a page that shows the folder entitled "Inbox", "Sent", etc. Find the button "send letter" and you will see the letter. In the to field, enter the email address of the recipient, for example wasdroger. Further, in the "Subject" field enter the title of the letter, for example "Hello from Russia!". And in the biggest field to enter text, write your letter. Then click "Send". And in a few moments, your letter will be received by the addressee!
If you want, to the letter, you can add photos, documents and other files. To do this, click on the "Attach file" and finding it on your computer the desired file, click on it twice. Now the letter will be sent together with added file.