On silk fabrics the stains of sweat are excreted by the solution of hyposulphite of sodium, in quantities of one teaspoon to one Cup of water. The hyposulphite of sodium is sold in the camera store. Place on a cloth to wipe damp cotton wool or bandage. After processing, rinse thoroughly with warm boiled water. You can use equal proportions of solutions of denatured alcohol and ammonia.
To remove stains from sweat , wool items, use ordinary table salt in the following proportions: 100 grams of salt dissolve in 100 ml of pure water and stir. Cloth or bandage soaked in the salt composition, wipe the stain. After that, the stain, apply alcohol and then dry thing outdoors.
For cleaning of sleeves, cuffs, collars need to mix equal parts of gasoline, ammonia and soap, better economic. Much solution into the soiled areas and rinse in clean water (3 parts) with the addition of vinegar (1 part).
Mix table salt (1 part) and ammonia (1 part) in equal proportions, add water (10 parts). This composition wipe the dirty spot and clean it with warm water.If during the washing you add to the water ammonia, 1 teaspoon to 1 liter of water, stains from sweat will disappear without a trace.
On a white silk lining remove stains in the following composition: take 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide and mix with 100 ml of water, let stand for five minutes. Slick from sweat , wipe with soapy water and apply the mixture. Then rinse thoroughly with water and dampen the cloth with diluted oxalic acid (1 Cup of water taken 1 teaspoon acid).
With the help of the iron is removed stains from colored shirts. Iron heat and turn over, he put a dry cloth with the stain and RUB dry soap. Soap you can use any, the main thing that it was without dye. Then clean the stain with a damp brush.
From stains of sweat you will get rid and with the help of egg yolk. Chicken egg shake, apply on the stain and wait until it dries. Then scrub the fabric with a blunt edge of a knife of dried egg and rinse the material in water. The remaining traces can be removed using warmed to room temperature glycerol.
Colours and whites can be cleaned from stains of sweat with the help of hydrogen peroxide. Things move to the sun and apply a 3% solution. Soak some time, usually enough for about an hour, then rinse the cloth in warm water.
For removing old stains use a mixture of 100 ml of gasoline, 150 ml of denatured alcohol and 75 ml of liquid ammonia. In this solution soak the bandage and apply to the stain. It is very important after the procedure, thoroughly rinse the fabric.
During treatment do not RUB or squeeze the fabric as this will damage the color of the product. Thing you need to clean gently from the bottom up.
Useful advice
Best stains of sweat on clothes to prevent in advance. For this, you should use special personal care products such as deodorants, antiperspirants and keep clean during the day.