Become honest and truthful. Always start with the truth. To tell the truth is not easy. Required inner strength and courage to go beyond their own systems and conventions. If you deny its narrowness and limitations, you remain cowardly, diffident, timid.
Do what's in your heart. Sometimes fear keeps us from irrational at first glance actions, we defer to that in my heart I'm afraid to do. You should immediately step forward.
Believe in a higher power. Faith can work miracles, for the sake of faith, people were dying, city. What are you willing to do for their faith? The knowledge that a higher power always help us in difficult times, will be a step closer to the truth. A simple prayer can give courage and inspire confidence in the correctness of the decision.
Be always ready. This is the motto of scouts. If you take it a rule this simple motto, you will be, not to seem bold.
Think of failure as a positive experience. Understand your frustrations and failures, and consider them from the point of view of education in you strengths. Taking action, regardless of the final result, is much more than a trivial omission.
And finally, act with courage and conscience. Courage is an inner state, not the result. Over time, you will see that courage, like a muscle, grows stronger the more you train it.