You will need
  • Pot, soil, fertilizer, seeds, water, watering can.
Buy container in which to grow rosemary. It is better to give preference to the classic clay pot. Try to avoid plastic. The size of the container must be sufficient so that it could accommodate the root system of a small Bush the size of 30-50 cm.
Mix garden soil with rotted manure, make 3-5 g of superphosphate, 6-7 g of nitrogenous fertilizers and 3-4 grams of potassium nitrate per kilogram of soil. Liberally pour. Visivite seeds of rosemary on the surface of the earth. Do not sprinkle. Pull the pot plastic wrap. Make a small hole for air circulation.
Do not remove the tape for about a week, then you can test how seeds germinate and grow. Unfortunately, germination from rosemary is quite low, so it is possible that the sowing must be repeated. The control moment should be a period of 3 weeks. If seeds have not germinated – plant again.
To thin out the seedlings at the stage of second or third true leaf. Carefully remove the excess plants and transplant them to places where seeds did not germinate. Better to pour a watering can with water divider. You can use a household sprayer. A strong jet might damage the seedlings.
Feed solution "Ideal" or other organic fertilizer when rosemary will grow to 5-8 cm For the 1 tbsp. of fertilizer dissolve in 0.5 l of water and slowly pour under a Bush. Definitely proryhlit small garden fork, not venturing more than 2-3 cm in order to improve the access of oxygen to the roots, that depth is sufficient.
Ensure grown home rosemary to receive the necessary amount of sun. Without sunlight your plant will slowly grow, its stems become thickened and brittle and the leaves will soon begin to fall. If possible in the warm time of the year to make Bush "breathe" on the balcony. If there is no balcony – open window.
Cut the first shoots of rosemary, when the plant reaches 10-15 cm, and branches lightly will begin to stiffen. This pranotthana aromatic culture is essential for both Italian and French cuisine. Russian Housewives like to add it to stews, vegetable casseroles, stuffings. Don't overlook rosemary canning vegetables.