You will need
  • plastic bags
  • - a crochet hook
For knit handbags, you'll need three packages plastic packages of the desired color and hook number 5. Purchase plastic bags in rolls, designed for debris. They are quite large, cheap, soft and are easy to knit texture.
Take the bag and fold it in half lengthwise, and then fold in half to get a narrow strip. Then put also some more packages and put them on top of each other stack. Cut the stack into horizontal strips of thickness 3 cm.
Spread the obtained plastic rings and connect them to each other grasping nodes, to get the whole plastic strip. Roll up the resulting strip into a ball – the first ball of "yarn" is ready.
Repeat all the above steps on the remaining two packages of the packages – you should get three ball of plastic yarn.
Knitting such yarn is no different from knitting from the ordinary and familiar wool with a hook type 5-6 loops of polyethylene, close them in a circle, and then provarite circle the number of columns without nakida, tying ring of air loops and adding in each row on three loops.
Knit until you do not get knitted cone-shaped cap with an angle between the sides about 90 degrees. Make two cone-shaped parts with a height of 30-32 cm. Attach one piece to another to get the silhouette of a rectangular bag with concave edges, and then stitch the junction of the walls of the bag with plastic thread.
When the main part of the bag is ready, take the pen manufacturer. Type 6-8 loops on the hook and provarite in a circle a few columns without nakida. Continue knitting in a spiral, forming a narrow tube and putting it in tape to handle later is not stretched.
Tie the handle with a length of 40 cm and sew it to the bag. Decorate the purse decorative elements and colors associated of packages of a different color in the same technique.