Get opitimy the best way to understand what you want from lifeis to try as many different things.For example, if you were educated programmer and it still only worked as a programmer, your experience is very narrow. It's time to try something else. This can be any activity, even very far from your specialty, for example, drawing, cooking, or marketing, business, or acting – anything.On the other hand, if you do not want to change field of activities, still you can get the new experience of finding himself in a life – deepen your knowledge. It is necessary not just to do their job, need to evolve constantly, to read professional literature, take on new tasks, develop related industries.
As necticut the question arises: where to start looking for themselves in life. In this case there is universal advice: start with what you wonder now. Take a piece of paper and a pen, sit down and write a list of occupations that interest you and that you never in life did. Do not worry, when, where and how you can do it – just write. At this stage you just need to understand that you are interested in. When finished, review the entire list and select what you would like to try today. Circle these classes.Now, all the circled classes rank. Decide which ones are most interesting to you and mark it with number 1, next is number 2 etc.. Now is the time to decide how you will do it all. Start with lesson number 1. Think of how you will begin to approach that. Many fear a new case, I think that we need first to finish all the old cases. This is not so. You can gradually start something new and do it in parallel with the old. Start. Profile read the book, talk with a specialist in this field, enroll in courses, etc. Treat any activity as a valuable experience. Even if after some time you will be disappointed, you will have an experience that will surely be useful in the future to understand what you want from life.
Down eligibilite one night a week when you will sum up. Write down what you have already mastered and where he wishes to move on. Again see your list, perhaps it will be added something new, priorities can also change. Gradually you gain enough experience and understand what you want from life.
How to understand what you want. Person is important not only to know how to achieve, but it is also important to be able to determine what he wants. Even more important to be sure that what you seek is indeed something worthwhile. Only in this case you will have the satisfaction of reaching desired.
Useful advice
Constantly spinning in a vicious circle "home-work-home" one day, you notice with horror that such a life does not bring you any joy. We often hear that success is achieved only by dedicated people, but what if you don't know what to strive for? And how to know that your goals are not imposed by society or upbringing? To start is to listen to yourself and understand what you really want from life.