You will need
  • A notebook, colored pens
Analyze the relationship with the opposite sex. Move everything to the background and talk with them. Remember all those to whom you felt, who you liked, who would like to do with my life. What they had in common? What attracted you to them? Maybe it's the color of the eyes, financial prosperity or a successful career? Remember the reason for the break with each of them. In some cases, you broke up completely, and what are you still friends? This will help you understand where you have made mistakes that have led your relationship to rupture, and that helped to stay friends.
Write down in a notebook, what kind of profession you dreamed of as a child. What you liked and didn't like? What was the impact of your parents on career choices? Are you satisfied with current work? Write everything in order, giving detailed answers to all questions. Don't forget to do comments.
Think of all their achievements and successes. Maybe it's a thesis defense, winning the lottery, a bargain of a machine or device to a high-paying job. Try to remember all the best moments of life. Write them and give a definition of cause, which, in your opinion, was a success. What is your merit in each of these cases? Write everything that comes to mind. Describe your best and worst qualities of his character. Think about how you can improve? How to make these qualities even more effective and useful? Remember and record all of your interests during life.
If you think that you cannot perform your life, seek the help of friends. In our life everyone has a huge number of friends, but friends units. True friends are very precious in everyone's life. They will always be able to say their opinion about you as you look the part, what are the disadvantages and what are the complexes. Remember a friend will never lie, in contrast to just an acquaintance. This is a rough plan of what you should build to produce the introspection of his personality. It is possible to add and correct as your life experience. The result of introspectionand you will change the attitude to themselves and the people around you, you learn to love yourself for who you are. Much of his past will be reinvented. Some things to think about or just laugh.