Lawn mowers are traditionally divided into benzokolonki and electric, as well as on a wheeled mowers and trimmers.
The cheapest and easiest option is to purchase a trimmer, that is something like a rod on which is located the electric motor and the mower head with the cutting line. The motors are located at the bottom directly above the line. Trimmers are suitable for small areas, because their power is usually not too high and farm the land a large area be too time-consuming. Disadvantage of the trimmer is that it only works on electricity, so you have to wear a long cord, while the slightest rain, work must stop (as with any electrical equipment).
There are also manual lawn mowers that have the engine (it can be gasoline or electric) is on top. These mowers have high capacity and are suitable for uneven sites where can not ride a lawn mower on wheels. When choosing a manual lawn mower note its weight and think about who in your family will be able to use it if it is quite heavy.
Wheeled lawn mowers can also run on gasoline and electricity. They represent a cart on wheels with a high handle, so in the process you push the mower in front of him like a stroller. Wheel mower much easier to manual, but are only suitable for smooth surfaces. They are much more expensive and they are worth buying if you have enough of a plot.
There are also lawn mowers, which are mini-tractors, that is, they carry the person who controls them. They are called riders and are used on a very large area.
Thus, the electric mowers are more environmentally friendly (no benzodiazapam), easy maintenance, low noise, but they are less powerful, and more dangerous from the point of view of working with electricity. Petrol lawn mowers are more powerful, have a large collector that does not depend on the power supply, but require regular maintenance, replacement of gasoline and oil, produce more noise and toxic emissions. Decide what the pros and cons for you to play a big role, and you will find your own version.