Characteristic is an official document. Therefore, making it on themselves, take for the approval of the supervisor. Because it required his signature and seal. Sometimes feature to make simply no for example, if you are the head of a small company or individual entrepreneur.
When compiling the features you need to remember that it includes several parts. In the header of the document must indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the employee and the position held and name of organization - employer.
The second part of characteristics is personal data. Here you need to tell us about the date and place of your birth, complete education institutions. If more than one, but should list all, indicating the specialty, the names of institutions, years graduation. Be sure to note the presence of academic degrees, as well as "red" diplomas. In this section you can specify the marital status, number of children, the presence of military duty.
The next part is the most significant. It includes a characterization of the job duties and personal qualities. So be sure to list all occupied in the organization, as well as in previous jobs, positions and job duties. Please indicate what professional courses and seminars you attended.
In describing the personal qualities, special attention should be given to the professional: the ability to work with people, ability to lead and organize a team, ability to plan work, carry out analysis etc. you can also specify professional achievements and promotion.
The feature should be objective. Therefore, in addition to positive qualities, should pay attention to the disadvantages, of course, is not so significant. It is impossible to scorn writing characteristics. You need to intelligently approach the matter, because sometimes the document plays a crucial role in crucial moments of life.