Fresh juice should be drunk immediately, a maximum of one hour after its preparation.
It is best to drink carrot juice on an empty stomach and with the addition of a spoon of sour cream or cream: the body can do this juice to digest completely.
After you drank the juicein the next hour do not eat anything that contains concentrated sugar, starch, flour, any carbohydrates.
If you have heartburn, a glass of carrot juicewill help to cope with the disturbance of acid-base balance. If you have gingivitis, stomatitis, sore throat, to relieve the pain will help rinse the mouth and throat warm carrot juiceth. First signs of a cold will disappear if you drink carrot juice with the addition of honey. To clean the walls of blood vessels of cholesterol a half glass of carrot juiceand mix with same amount of juiceand beetroot.
In no case do not listen to recommendations to drink a day for 3-4 liters of carrot juiceand it will lead to liver disease. The maximum allowable daily intake of fresh carrot juiceand 500 ml (and preferably only 250 ml).