Links, like all other elements of the page, are rendered by the browser based on information sent to it by the server. This information is a set of instructions in HTML (HyperText Markup Language "hypertext markup language") that describes the types, appearance and location of each element of the web page. Programmers call the user language HTML "tags". A simple link is created by the browser when it reads from the code page the following tag:<a href="page.html">Text link</a>Here <a href="page.html"> - the opening tag of the link and </a> closing. In the opening tag put additional information such as the attributes of this tag. The href attribute contains the address of the page (or other file) that should be sent the request, if the visitor clicks the link. If the requested page or file is in the same server folder (or subfolder of it), it is not necessary to specify the complete address - rather his name or the path to subfolder. Such addresses are called relative and complete is absolute. Reference with an absolute address might look like this:<a href="">Text link</a>
That is, to change a link, you should open the html code of the page, lying on the server, find tag, need to replace the hyperlink and modify the contents of the href attribute.
If the file containing the page code is at your disposal, you can open and edit it with any text editor, such as the standard Notepad. If you use a content management system to edit pages directly in the browser. For this we must find in the site control panel, the page editor and open the desired page.
So the page editor can have the visual editing mode - it is sometimes called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get - what you see is what you get"). In this case, the html editing is not required. Page in this editor looks the same as on the website, enough to find it need a link, highlight it, and clicking the appropriate button on the editor toolbar, change the link address. The location of this button depends on the type of the visual editor used by your control system - quite a lot.
In addition to the address, the link tag has other attributes that allow you to change the appearance and behavior of the links. Most often arises the need to change the target attribute - it specifies that the window should load a new page. There are only four options:_self - page to load in the same window or frame. "Frames" is called every part of the browser window if the page divides it into several parts;_parent - if the page where the link itself was downloaded from another window (or frame), it has a "parent" window. A value of _parent indicates the page to which the link points must be loaded in the parent window;_top - new page should load in the same window, destroying any frames (if any);_blank indicates that clicking that link should open a separate window;for Example:<a href="page.html" target="_blank">Link will open in a new window</a>