The withdrawal of the assets of the LLC through a contract of sale. The main difficulty of this method is a legitimate justification for the Commission of the withdrawal of assets. Committed to the withdrawal of assets should have a positive effect on economic development, LLC, otherwise the organization could be accused of committing a deliberate action, contributing to the bankruptcy of the enterprise.
Print the assets by any of any property, both movable and immovable to the share capital of another company. That is, you sell property to a third company, which later became full owner, you are the only contract law. Assets are released after the reorganization of another company ( 57 of the Civil code of the Russian Federation).
One of the safest ways to withdraw assets LTD — a company reorganization, i.e. the creation of more small firms. Swipe the statutory procedure and move the assets into a new company. However, remember that together with them the firm, logically, should go and debts. To avoid the debt burden of the new organization allows article 50 of the Tax code. You need to pay special attention to the documents because in any case, after this kind of change provided a critical test of the new organization by the tax authorities.
For the withdrawal of assets you can use is not popular, but effective way. Become a member of the exchange, to invest their capital. Find the trusted parties, which subsequently will be targeted to buy your contracts and securities. In order to use this method, analysts say, need to have the experience of participating in such events, it is advisable to invite foreign experts.
With the help of foreign firms, it is possible to apply the method of withdrawal of assets of OOO through advances. However, from the point of view of Russian legislation, this mechanism can be construed as fraud. Use only legal ways.