Note the areas of your neighbors. If there are several wells, and they have the same depth and level of water, it is likely that, on your plot of land, too, there is ground water. Most likely, the earth is a layer of water-permeable rocks, called aquifers. Its length can reach several square kilometers, and dig a well in this area can be anywhere.
You are not lucky, and the neighbors you have. Or they are, but they have no wells. How to be in this case? Carefully inspect the area, suddenly there are external signs of the presence of shallow groundwater in your area. Plants with colorful leaves, while in other places they have wither and turn yellow. Or free-growing sedge and evening mist on your garden. Even gnats and mosquitoes can show the presence of water underground. Exception – your site is on a swamp or shore.
Signs of the presence of groundwater are clearly visible in the drought. Clusters of anthills and patches of rich green broad-leaved bushes, reeds – all point to sources of underground water.
Such terrain features as an abrupt change in the topography of the lowlands, also show the presence of the aquifer. Well reflects the aerial photo, but from the ground they are difficult. To drill a well in such places, if only during the floods, they shall not be subjected to flooding.
Good, productive wells are obtained near rivers. Even in the temporary drying up of rivers, underground water will not dry up. But if the water in such wells remains murky, then, due to poor filtration of the soil it enters the river water.
Perhaps near the site is a spring, the well will be water-bearing, position it above the source.
Dowsing. Trained person with a stick in the hands of really able to detect (or not detect) the water in your area.
The correct method is exploratory drilling in your area. With absolute assurance it will show there is water or not.