Write down all the ideas that you have. Take a notebook and record all thoughts on the subject of gear, that you care about. At this stage your main task is to collect as many options as possible. Do not pay attention to the shape of ideas, they will treat you later. Dedicate a lot of stage time.
Filter those ideas that seem so weak and hopeless. To better cope with this problem, do you sort not on the same day, when the generated ideas. The next day you will be more objective. Go is critical to your list and keep only the standing of thought, which, in your opinion, you can create a transmission.
Select only one idea, the most worthy. For this rate the originality of each item that remain after filtering. In addition, consider how you might develop each of them. Be careful and patient. To select the most successful idea, consider each with several items.
Formulate the main idea in one sentence. Give the drama of history by adding originality, conflict or intrigue. It engages the viewer. The fascinating elements of your gear would be interesting.
Come up with a title transfer. Make up its structure. Here you need to clearly define the topic you'll uncover. Make sure that the development was logical and consistent. In addition, you need to consider the dynamics of the audience energy. The closer you approach the junction, so as to let more heat up of passion.
Pick up real characters for your transmission. It should be a vivid characters with their advantages and disadvantages. The actions of the heroes should reflect the theme of the story.
Describe what will happen during the broadcast. Please do it briefly, then in more detail. The most important places shall describe literally.
Make easy cards, which lock the script, dividing it into several semantic parts.