You will need
  • - requirements for the design of the project;
  • - text sources of information.
The first stage of the project preparation. Together with the students select a suitable project topic. It should be accessible and interesting for the child. The problem should be close to the content of the subject and to be in the area of its development. On one project you can work individually and as a group. If the project has a group, assign roles among the students. At this stage you need to interest children task, to discuss ways to solve it.
In preparation for writing the draft of the guide trips, various social events, walks-observations. If the project volume, prepare in advance the books or other text sources of information.
In the exploration phase of problem pupils together with the teacher or parents gather information. Then share the results of their work, discuss.
Next, the students draw the results of the study in accordance with the rules discussed in the preparatory phase. The results of the activities described, they may be presented in the form of a report, presentation, album, books-Babes, exhibitions and so on. It is at this stage most are the talents of younger students.
The last phase is the presentation of the project. It can be made interesting and memorable. During protection there is a demonstration of the work product. Moreover, during the project each student must do their part.
Discuss successes and failures with the children, analyze the shortcomings of the work. Let's talk about how to make the next project even better. However, one should not focus on this, focus on the success of children. Rate the performance of each participant. Such work is conducive to the cognitive development of younger students, to develop the ability to independently find material, process it and, of course, increases interest in academic activities.