To the child it was nice to spend time in the country, the rest needs to be properly organized. It will need to spend not only your time, but part of the territory. The cottagers, who are very sensitive to harvest, will have to tune in advance: perhaps not all country beds safely move the appointment of the child. So what to do with a child in the country?Game loshadkami enjoy playing at our own site. Even the minimal set, a sandpit and a swing – able for a long time to capture not only the baby, but also primary school children. If the site is no, better get busy together. Few children will refuse with dad or grandpa to drive nails into boards, paint them, fill sand, to hang the hammock.Help the countryIf it is correct to organize process, children will be happy to do odd jobs for the country. Find out what gives them more pleasure. Someone would be happy to fiddle with the beds, put seeds in the holes and then carefully covering it up with earth. Older children are easily managed with the hose, and the youngest is willing to water the garden from a watering can. And certainly none of the children refuse to help with the harvest: find the largest cucumber or the red tomato, Rob raspberry Bush. Even raspberry will not go into the basket, and straight into your mouth – but the baby will be happy and busy.Care rasteniyakh kids are at the cottage often, they can take a small patch to allow me to plant anything and care for plants. This is a very useful lesson: a child learns patience, responsibility, and gets an idea of how to grow vegetables, berries and flowers. In addition, the tomatoes and zucchini grown on their own, much tastier than usual.Games with vodeine the country do not always have a spacious play area, but the water usually is. It is possible to arrange a channel or pool: dig, lay with polyethylene to prevent water flowed, and run it toy fish or boats, bathing dolls. If the weather is conducive, you can splash a water gun or pour a children's pool and splash there.
What to do in the cottage with the kids
Giving it is life-saving outlet for the urban dweller, the opportunity to breathe fresh air, relax and not spend too much money. But when we take to the country children, often face resistance: boring! Indeed, getting to the country, children can not immediately figure out what to do.

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