Take a table of calories. It is desirable that it is as complete as possible and contain all the products that you use at least occasionally. You can make this table yourself, using the data from different sources. Print it out and pin it on the fridge, and put one copy in my purse.
Calculate the approximate number of calories you eat daily. If you find it difficult to do it during the week write down all the meals that you ate, their weight and calorie content. Based on these data, you can calculate how many calories consume in an average day.
Select caloric restriction and create a menu for each day. If you ate 3500 Kcal, in any case can not immediately go to 1200, it will only bring harm to your body! Better to put the restriction in first 3000 Kcal, after 2-3 weeks reduce to 2500, etc.
Determine the average calorie consumption per day. The ideal option is to record everything you do during the day, and then count the number of calories expended for every action. However, it is very difficult, so it is better to use averaged data. Men working in the office, spend the day around 2800 Kcal, and women 2200. Hard work, or in daily sports activities men spend 3000 Kcal for women – 2500.
Try to make the menu so that the calorie intake does not exceed their consumption. For example, a woman who works in an office and leads a sedentary lifestyle, you should gradually reduce calories to 2000, then to 1500 and even up to 1000. So you will be able to consistently lose weight, while not torturing yourself with hunger strikes.
If you must eat out, try to bring food rather than eat at fast food restaurants. You can buy in stores yogurt, kefir and other products. The packaging usually indicates the calorie content, so you can easily stick to your diet.