To weaning from breastfeeding was for the baby a lot of stress, it is necessary to carry out this process gradually. It is better that it happened the following way: take one daily feeding per week, replacing it with other foods. The rest of the feeding while on leave. After a week cancel another. The basic idea is to gradually increase the interval between access to mother's breast. Night feeding is cancel last.
Focused on the situation: if the baby is not ready for weaning, it can be too stressful for him and for you. If the child will require the Breasts before sleep and in the dream, agree to put someone from the family. For example, this can be done by the grandmother, and before bedtime – dad. When the baby wakes up at night, let dad offers him a drink from a favorite Cup. From mom the baby will have to wait for entirely different.
Replace breast feeding on something as valuable for the baby. Make it a tradition to tell a bedtime tale to read. During the period of weaning, let the Pope will continue this ritual. So it can go much faster.
In any case, do not bandage the chest to the quantity of milk decreased. Usually this does not lead to good consequences. Everything should happen naturally, because milk comes on demand. If you will be feeding less frequently – less will come. By the time of full weaning from the breast, it only arrives when the baby starts to suck.
If the chest will be filled (this can happen when feeding more times a day), massaging her lightly using essential oil. 10 ml of oil from the kernels of almond and apricot, take 2-3 drops of oil of sage. To relieve pain in your chest can Express milk. In about a week and a half before the planned weaning start to drink a decoction of sage.