To begin, open your network connections and right-click the icon for the network connection (local). In the context menu click on "Properties" you will see a small window with some tabs. Select the desired charge parameters of the hardware configuration of your PC at the click of a mouse. Click on the button called "customize" that appears below the icon of the network adapter you use.
In the properties window, network card , activate the tab with extra settings. You will see the following window where you will see the parameters of your Internet connection. On the right you will see the values that were assigned to them.
Next you need to find a menu item called "link Speed & duplex". Then, you specify certain values for the equipment. The name, depending on the manufacturer of the network cardmay be in the form Duplex Mode, Connection type, Media type, Link speed, etc. Regarding the names, as well as settings specific to your model of network card (in case if the principle it is fundamentally different from the accepted standards) all the details you will learn from the manual, running is usually bundled with the hardware.
To increase the speed of your network card set the desired value. Say, 1MB, and you put 10 MB. However, everything here depends on some factors. It is likely that your existing Internet connection will require any special settings. And to find them, you need to contact technical support of your ISP and find out the value that you want to put in the speed of your Internet connection.
If you are faced with this problem, as the inability to open a port or an invalid username/password, also check settings the connection speed, because they must meet the required.