You will need
    • cabbage 1 PC.;
    • onion 1 PC.;
    • tomato paste 1 tbsp;
    • oil for frying;
    • salt.
Have a head of cabbage. Remove the top leaves and discard them. Cut the cabbage in half, then each half into two parts. Cut out the stalk (of solid base). Slice each of the four parts of the thin strips. The smaller the band, the softer and milder it gets finished dish.
Clean the onion (if you take a small, it is better for two pieces), rinse in cool water. Slice the onion into half rings.
Preheat on high heat a sauté pan (deep pan), add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry the onions until soft and Golden brown. Reduce heat and add to the pan the cabbage.
Take a large bowl and pour in it boiling water, add one - two tablespoons of tomato paste and stir until dissolved.
Pour tomato liquid, cabbage, salt and mix. Close the saucepan with a lid and leave on low heat for half an hour. After this time, open the pan, mix the cabbage , then leave to stew. Total cooking time is approximately fifty - sixty minutes. Readiness is determined by the softness of the cabbage.
Diversify braised cabbage by adding a variety of products. You can surprise your loved ones by making this dish even tastier and healthier. For example, add the thinly cut elongated strips of bell pepper (to add on the stage of roasting onions is better to take two peppers of different colors). Tomatoes also fit perfectly into this song.
Make the dish more nutritious. Soak overnight half cans of beans, before cooking boil it until soft. Saute the onion, add the chopped cabbage and half the beans, simmer until tender all the products, the Gulf water with tomato paste.