You will need
  • The table editor Microsoft Office Excel version 2007 or 2010.
Use a combination of the operations of cut-and-paste, to swap two columns of the table. To do this, first select one of them by clicking the title of the cage with Latin letters above the top cell of the column. Then either press Ctrl + X or right-click the selection and click the Cut command in the context menu.
Select by clicking on the title of the other column involved in the operation of the exchange. Open the shortcut menu by clicking the highlighted area, right-click, and select "Insert cut cells". This command is duplicated in the drop-down list to Insert, placed in the group of "Cell" Home tab in the menu of the table editor, you can use this method of insertion.
If you want to swap two columns and, for example, six, then you can do the previous two steps the necessary number of times, and you can cut and move a group of columns. For this allocation and click all headers of the group of columns while pressing Ctrl. If these columns a lot, then clicked each of them is not necessary - select the first, press Shift and click the last header. And after selecting the first column click the right arrow, Shift-up till selected would not be full range speakers. Other operations - cutting and pasting - with the manipulation of the group columns do not differ from those described in the previous two steps.