You will need
  • check on the "Rambler".
To reestablish contact, find your lost friend or acquaintance, was on "the Rambler", is not a problem. However, for this you also need to log on to this site.
As a rule, after the registration "the Rambler", in addition to mail e-mail provides the user with a number of additional features, including communication on the Dating site and finding new (or old) friends.
To find the right person at the main page "Discover", fill in a special form. Please note: the more you complete the count, the wider and more accurate search. In the "Want to find" to indicate the gender of the person in column "Age" is the number of years (use the time period "from" - "to"). In the line "Where" type the expected place of residence: country, city. And don't forget to include purpose of meeting, by one of the proposed service options: "friendship", "love", "sex", "marriage", "not important."
If necessary, enter additional parameters using advanced search. Click the appropriate link and select the desired items in each box. On the website there are several: purpose of meeting, marital status, character, habits, financial situation, stock photos, web camera, etc. if necessary, select desired your acquaintance sexual preferences and even the brand of the car. However, the introduction of these data will help only if the sought person have specified them in your profile. Then click "search".
To communicate, to find friends on different networks and staying in constant communication also helps the special Communicator "Rambler-Contacts". The use of this application allows you to add friends, send them sms or e-mails.
User search which was carried out on the site will be constantly aware of all his "requests". Appropriate notifications will be received in form of emails. However, this service is available only to those who have a mailbox on "the Rambler". This useful feature provides a service "I seek you".