You will need
  • Wi-Fi adapters.
If you prefer to use to connect two computers wireless data transmission channel, buy two Wi-Fi adapter. In this case you can use hardware that does not support the function to create a full access point.
Connect Wi-Fi adapters to the USB ports of computers or to the PCI slots located on the motherboard of the PC. Update the drivers for these devices. Use the discs supplied with Wi-Fi adapters, or download the drivers from the websites of manufacturers of this equipment.
First turn on the computer and create a wireless local area network. Open the control center network and sharing (Windows Seven). Now select menu "Manage wireless networks".
After opening the list of available Wi-Fi networks, click "Add". Select "Create a network the computer-computer" and click "Next".
Specify the settings for your local wireless network. Check the box next to "Save settings". Click "Next" and "finish".
Now open the list of existing connections and go to properties of wireless connection. Open the TCP/IPv4. Activate the use fixed IP address. Enter its value.
Turn on the second computer. Open the settings of TCP/IPv4. Enter the static IP address. It must be different from the address of the first Wi-Fi adapter, only the fourth segment. Navigate to the list of available wireless networks. Connect to Wi-Fi access point created on the first PC.
Now create on one of the computers shared folder. To do this, click on the directory, right-click and select "Access". Select the user group that has permission to connect to this folder.
On the other computer, press the Win key and R. Fill out the command \\ IP address of the second computer. Press Enter and wait for list of publicly available resources. Click on the desired directory and copy the necessary data.