You will need
  • - brewer's or Baker's yeast;
  • - sugar;
  • - boiled water;
  • - crackers;
  • - med;
  • - lemon;
  • - yogurt;
  • - Apple juice.
The most famous yeast drink, which was prepared in the Soviet years, pupils of kindergartens. To prepare 100 ml of the drink, take ten grams of yeast and sugar and RUB them. Add 100 ml of warm boiled water and put in a warm place for fermentation.
Remember that you can not give the drink to ferment, so keep track of time. After an hour, remove the liquid container, refrigerate and serve. If the fermentation takes place very rapidly, try the taste of yeast beverage a little early this time. For once, the kid can allow to drink no more than 50-100 ml depending on age.
Yeast drink with dried bread is cooked a little longer. Pour 150 grams of crackers in the same amount of boiled water and put to infuse for 6-8 hours. Then, the infusion should be heated on the stove to seventy degrees, strain, add the yeast and let stand for approximately six to eight hours. After preparation, the beverage is served chilled.
A delicious option is to cook yeast drink with honey and lemon. Pour 150 grams of biscuits boiled water and allow to brew for about four hours, and then strain. Heat liquid, add 50 grams of yeast and lemon zest and leave to ferment for a few hours. Before consumption of the drink, add sugar and honey to taste.
Perfectly strengthen the immune system drink with yogurt. Grind 100 grams of yeast, add a spoonful of sugar or honey, cover with water, stir and allow to wander. Then warm the mass in steam for ten minutes, add a couple of spoons of honey, add Apple juice and yogurt in 0.5 liter and mix thoroughly. Can pour a little cinnamon or lemon zest. Serve yeast the drink cold.