Start a pastry business from registration in tax inspection of the documents individual entrepreneur or joint – stock companies, depending on what form of ownership you have chosen.
Confectionery point you can open with a production hall in which to bake culinary products, and one store. But manufacturers enough to cooperate. The choice depends on the financial possibilities. It is estimated that the opening of the shop with minimal equipment will cost you not less than 400 thousand euros.
Depending on what the confectionery point you plan to open, find to the room. Pre-find out what are the requirements for these institutions by the CPS.
If the room is in an apartment building, you must have a separate entrance with an emergency exit. Raw material supply (if you open a bakery production) should be required from the side of the building, where no Windows. Trash cans for waste should be not less than 25 metres from the houses. The water quality must comply with SES regulations, and the amount of water should fully meet the needs of confectionery.
Try to find a venue for his patisserie in the centre of the city, in places where office buildings or in Central areas of the city.
Find reliable manufacturers, if you are going to open the store. To begin with, you will have 10-20 varieties of bread, 5-10 types of cookies, 20 kinds of pies and cakes.
If you open when its cooking cafe or coffee shop, then take care of the coffee range and tea you can save money by staying on the main varieties.
Area of 80 square meters is enough to organize sale of confectionery and to create a café area.
Economy candy dots similar in cost to any catering establishment. For budgeting, use average figure: multiply 60 thousand rubles per square meter of the total area of your point. Please note that this figure is used to calculate expenses for confectionery point in Moscow. In the province the costs will be much less.
Left to purchase for confectionery equipment: counters, showcases and the refrigerating chamber. Hire workers and start working. Everyone working with food must have sanitary books of the established sample.