Turn on the computer and log in to the operating system as an administrator. Call the main menu by pressing the "start" button in the bottom left of the screen. Click "Run" and enter "ping" adding the domain name of your DNSserver, which should advise the specifications in ADSL modem, router or on the DNS provider. Click OK and check the result. In the end, the command prompt appears, which includes the IP address of your server.
Determine the IP address of the game DNSservers. It is necessary to run the game and connect. Then roll her window without completion. Go to "start" and select "Run". Specify in the Open box cmd and hit OK or Enter.
This will bring up the console command line, specify it in netstat and press Enter to confirm the operation. It is worth noting that if you entered a wrong value, then either press Enter and type a new one. Fix in command line it is impossible.
Examine the returned data, which will be presented in the form of a list of all active connections of your computer at the moment, specifying the IP address and the open port. To determine which of them belongs to your game server, you must re-open a Run command and register it in the "ping scriptserver /t".
Click "OK" to execute the command. The required value will be in square brackets in the middle of a text string. Compare it with the first list to confirm the correctness of a query.
Go to a free ping that allows you to define DNS servers, among them an IP address. Also here you can define the trace, the host address, check proxy, download speed servers and much more.