You will need
- - the ability to calculate the determinant of a matrix
Suppose that in a linear n-dimensional space there exists a system of vectors e1, E2, E3, ... , EN. Their coordinates are: e1 = (e11; e21; e31; ... ; en1), E2 = (E12; E22; е32; ... ; EP2), ... , EN = (e1n; e2n; e3n; ... ; enn). To find out whether they form a basis in this space, make a matrix with columns e1, E2, E3, ... , EN. Find its determinant and compare it with zero. If the determinant of the matrix of these vectors is not zero, then these vectors form a basis in this n-dimensional linear space.
Calculate the determinant of the resulting matrix. The figure shows a simple method of calculating the determinant of the matrix 3 by 3. Elements are connected by a line should be multiplied. The works outlined in red are included in the total amount with the sign "+", and the United blue line - with the sign "-". det A = 3*2*(-2) + 1*2*3 + 4*(-4)*(-1) - 2*2*4 - 1*(-4)*(-2) - 3*3*(-1) = -12 + 6 + 16 - 16 - 8 + 9 = -5 -5≠0, therefore, A1, A2 and A3 form a basis.