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Determine what species the power-law equation. It can be square or biquadratic, as well as the equation with odd degree. Pay attention to the highest degree. If it is the second - equation of a square, if the first - line. If the highest degree of the equation is fourth, and is the coefficient and variable to the second power, the equation is biquadratic.
Pay attention to the structure of the equation. If there are two summands, which are variable in any of the degrees and the coefficient the equation is solved simply: move a variable in one part of the equation, and the numerical value to another. Extract the root of the extent of the number which is variable. If the degree is odd, we can immediately write down the answer, if is even, then the equation has two solutions - counted number, and it is the same, only with opposite sign.
Keep in mind that a quadratic equation has the form: a*x^2+b*x+c=0. Calculate the discriminant of the equation, applying the formula: D=b*b-4*a*c. Note the resulting in response to sign. If the discriminant is less than zero, the equation has no solutions. If the discriminant is equal to zero or greater than zero, consider the roots of the equation by the known formula: x= (-b-sqrt(D))/(2*a).
To solve biquadratic equation of the form: a*x^4+b*x^2+c=0 use the substitution x^2= y and solve a biquadratic equation as and square. As a result, in this case, there will be two y, go back to x^2. That is, is formed of two equations of the form x^2=a. To solve this equation, use the above instructions.
If in the equationx has an odd degree, try to lead them to the equations ofm have even degree. To do this, divide equation variable on one or several times. If it does not contain coefficients that include the number of roots is 0.