You will need
- - passport;
- - agreement of purchase and sale;
- help 2-NDFL from the workplace;
- - the certificate on the property;
- - the Declaration 3-NDFL;
- - the documents confirming payment of real estate.
The maximum size of a property deduction when buying a home can not exceed 2 million rubles. Ie you will be able to return a maximum of 260 thousand rubles with the purchase. If the housing purchased in the mortgage, subject to refund , and 13% from interest paid on the loan for the entire period regardless of the amount.
To receive a property deduction in the form of a refund of income tax, you must contact the tax office at the place of residence. To apply for reimbursement you can at any time, even after 10 years. But in any case, a deduction will only be the amount of the calculated tax over the last 3 years directly prior to your application for refund of tax.
Fill in the Declaration form 3-pit, for this you will need the help from all jobs you worked during the declared period; the certificate of ownership of real property; contract sales; your passport details; details of the settlement account in the savings Bank for transfer of funds; the payment documents confirming the purchase of real estate.
A completed Declaration and supporting documents must be submitted to tax office until April 30 of the year following the reporting year. For example, in 2012, served Declaration for 2009, 2010, 2011. In this case, you will need a certificate form 2-pit for the whole declared period (2009, 2010, 2011) from all places of work. Documents attach a statement to the deduction and the application for refund of tax. Submit a Declaration in person, send by electronic communication channels (for this option, use the services of specialized organizations) or by mail with the investment inventory to the tax office at the place of your registration.
If you plan to receive the amount of refund of income tax all at once, the processing time of your documents will be at least 3 months. When you return in part through your employer after 30 days, you will be given notice of the right to the deduction. Pass it to the accounting Department at work, and you will not have to call in every month 13% income tax until the exhaustion of the entire amount of the deduction.
If the deduction is not used entirely during the year, the remaining part can be transferred to following years, but in this case it is necessary to submit the Declaration 3-NDFL every year with all supporting documents, including the reference 2-pit of the period for which the Declaration is served. You can apply part of the deduction through the tax office by submitting a Declaration, and in the following year if the deduction is not used before the end, to return part of his employer. In one reporting period, these options do not work together.
Useful advice
If the residential property is purchased in the joint property of spouses, the property deduction is granted in proportion to the value of the shares. For example, if the shares of the spouses are 1/2 and 1/2, respectively, for 130 thousand rubles.