You will need
  • - flipchart, markers, gouache;
  • - curtains;
  • - book children's songs and poems.
Arrange the benches in the music hall images of staves, notes, keys. Hang on the wall pictures of various musical instruments, both classical and folk. You can cut them out from magazines or coloring books. It is also good to place the image of the musicians, ensembles, orchestras such as the hapless Quartet from Krylov's fable.
Draw on a large piece of drawing paper markers or paints a picture of a musical staff and seven notes in the key of "Sol". Stave it is better to paint a dark, black or dark blue. Treble clef color contrast, but not too bright to hurt the eyes, and notes – in seven basic colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, Indigo and violet.
Place in large printed texts of poems and songs, to making music hall was not only colorful, but also carried some interesting information. Change the look of some stands, depending on the festivals and events that take place in kindergarten. Put them on photos of events, stories about them, congratulation to the little artists.
Place on the stands of the installation of children's art, dedicated to some events: summer holiday, the onset of autumn, New Year, Mother's day and all other holidays. Transform the entire interior of the music hall to the big holidays like New Year. Hang on a Central wall of the hall, a large, wall poster, suitable to the occasion, for example a winter landscape for the New Year.
Change the curtains in the hall: for the autumn holiday, pick curtains in gold, red, orange colours; winter white, blue, silver, spring green, light yellow. On glass Windows and curtains, you can attach the image of the fruit in the fall and corn in winter – snowflakes and other attributes of the holiday, spring and flowers.