You will need
  • mobile phone;
  • - card number.
To transfer money from the phone balance of Tele2 on the map go to the official website of the operator in the section "Transfer to Bank card". It is located at the address
Fill in the fields "payer's Phone number", "Amount of translation" (it may vary from 50 to 15000 p.) and "card Number". After the introduction of the information will be automatically calculated the amount that will be deducted from the balance of the mobile phone including the fee. Press the green button "Pay".
You can make up to 50 transfers per day. The main thing is to not exceeded the limit transfers from Tele2 in the amount of 15 thousand rubles.
Another way to transfer money to the card - send SMS to number 159: "card Card_number Summatavet". Send SMS to this number are not charged.
Tele2 also offers transferring money with the help of USSD-commands. For this you need to dial the following combination: *159*1* Card_number*Amount# and press "Call".
You can order on the website Tele2 Tele2 MasterCard ® virtual card. It has all the features of an ordinary credit card, i.e. it is possible to pay for goods and services on the Internet. However, the card has no physical carrier. Tele2 MasterCard provides direct connection with mobile. Commission fee for card payments is 3%, which is lower than the fee for third-party cards.