Recipe for liqueur wines of the woodland strawberry is really very simple. For the preparation of aromatic beverage collect undamaged ripe berries in dry weather, the sepals of the fruit do not separate - they only will add an extra touch of the wine bouquet. Clean a glass jar tightly hammer washed berry. In the process of filling of the container to mix the raw material with sugar at a ratio of 3:1.

The resulting mixture was saturated with sugar, so the fermentation will be moderate. For the preparation of liqueur wines from wild strawberries in the home is sufficient to cover the jar well fitted polyethylene lid - it will slowly bleed the resulting carbon dioxide. Just in case, to avoid leakage of juice, the capacity is put on a plate or tray.

Keep the dishes at room temperature away from direct sunlight. After a couple months liqueur wine of wild strawberries will be ready to eat. Supernatant transparent liquid gently drain with a hose, trying to raise the dregs from the bottom.

The rest (bagasse, sludge) will drain through the cheesecloth and leave in a jar for another week, until a transparent liquid. Add it to the previously handled young wine. Store the alcohol in a glass, tightly closed containers in a cool dark place with a constant temperature. Suitable cellar or unheated pantry.