Feeling his adult failure, I just decided to be a baby again. To play with children, admiring the process, freely Express their emotions, and have ceased to pose as a cool lady. I just believe that now my children are equal partners and playing, teach each other. And in a state of pleasure and relaxation. We are so controlis each other that as soon as someone lost "in the flurry of emotions" just one my opinion soothed the baby. (When the children were 6 years old).

A child born in the family already knows your goals and objectives. And the task of parents to help nurture the child to his divine destiny. If the parents, feeling the path of the child, help him realized, a child filled with energy, strength, confidence and therefore happiness. If the child is imposed contrary to its objectives of the programme, he grows weak, sickly, mentally unstable, depressed. Or suppression can cause the protest, and the child becomes aggressive, closed, cruel destroyer. I have described pronounced form, there are lots of variations, but the essence is that the child because of the "peel parent programs cannot Express their divine task and as a consequence suffers. Suffering his body, his psyche, the soul.

Next to suffer and the parents, for they know not what they do. Stream of illusions captures more, and the older the child, the harder it is to change his Outlook. 4 years is already a respectable age and basic structure of the psyche is formed. In the subcortex permanently recorded conceiving, the condition of the mother during pregnancy, her emotions, thoughts (dark or light), childbirth (which gives birth to those around her, as was preparing to leave that he feels during the birth).

The process is very important genera (as is the fetus, rapid or prolonged labor, if the man tries to get out of the narrow birth canal, or help him – Caesarian section), thus dooming the child on a program of passivity, of inertia. Who met this little sweetheart: good hands or tortured by continual calls to mothers doctor. What was the reaction of the mother was thrilled, filled with pride and strength, taking the baby in his hands, or fainted, tortured with injections and diets.

Was near the father, the support and protection of the family as involved in the process of childbirth, supported, felt love to the baby. The first months of life – feeding if the mother of your child? Not produced if his program is rejected? Often he is on hand, often with him talking, laughing, giving positive emotions. What is the atmosphere in the house - comfort, warmth, love, or cramped, stuffy, parents in conflict. And so can continue indefinitely.

Quarreled, the parents, and the baby close, like a sponge, absorbing negative emotions. Parents are already made up, forgot about the quarrel, and the little man for life enrolled this situation in the subcortex. And if the situation repeats – quarrels, conflicts, the forecasts are disappointing: the child has reduced immunity, raises the probability of disease, anxiety, disturbed sleep, frequent fears, tendency to manifestation of low emotions, aggression, depression...

That will provide parents in the first 3 years of life and the situation of the intrauterine life of the baby (if the parents thought about the option of abortion can be a program exclusion, uselessness) plus the atmosphere of the birth of the child, with such data the baby and go in life – easy, optimistic overcoming difficulties, either in tension, in fear, in anxiety, hiding from life in any complexity.

The basic parameters of formation of the intellect, emotions, physical bodies are laid to 7 years. No wonder that until recently school children were just 7 years old, not 6, as invented by the teachers-experimenters in order to justify its failure in solving the problems of education of children of the 3rd Millennium.

To 10 years of a child "remembers" who he must become in this life: he plays in these activities, he was interested in these topics, he has shown the greatest ingenuity and skill. He, to the surprise of mom and dad, can discuss these issues as a professional. And if the parents are observant, they will definitely see talent in your child in a particular subject. If tendencies a lot – it's perfect for talking about diverse personality of the child, the wealth of choice. After 10 years there is "a kind of Erasure and adjustment", society provides the conditions for this sad process, and the child, obeying the collective unconscious, tends to dissolve in the crowd of similar (suitable for serious hormonal changes – adolescence).