Experts do not recommend to put the dog on a chain. No matter what age the animal was, it would be psychological trauma. But, if watchdog is needed, create appropriate for her conditions.

How to teach your dog to chain?

Just put a chain on the dog in any case impossible. First, the animal will receive the strongest stress due to unexpected restrictions of freedom, and secondly, the dog will try to break, constantly bark, whine and howl.

To chain the animal is better to teach aged from 4 to 8 months, when the pet grew up, but have not felt the freedom in full measure. An adult dog can also be put on a chain, but at every opportunity she will run and catch it would be very difficult.

Before you can restrict the puppy's freedom, put a collar on him and wait until the animal gets used to it. Then start to use a leash, and only then put on the chain. If you have the opportunity, better to equip the checkpoint. To create this design you will need a metal wire and the circuit is 1.5-2 meters in length. The rope stretched around the perimeter of the protected area, it is fixed on the chain so that she could slide.

The checkpoint gives the dog the opportunity to protect a large area, to move quickly and to feel better psychologically, but a short leash will not get underfoot and interfere with the actions of the animal. If the area will penetrate uninvited guest, he will not be able to determine the radius of movement of the dog.

Features of the dog sitting on the chain

Some owners teach their pet to the circuit, I think that this process of education and upbringing of the animal ends. But to the puppy grew up a reliable guard, he needs to pay attention to physical development, particularly to monitor the bones and muscles of the hind limbs.

The dog living on a chain, you need to be able to attack. It should be nimble, agile, have strong grip and to be able to avoid dangerous objects (knives, bats, sticks, etc.). It is necessary to deal with the animal, to teach him to fight with a person, take them special courses and to accustom him to discipline.

Before you put your dog on a chain, take care of the conditions. The animal must be a kennel, and preferably an aviary. Obedient pet at night you can put on a chain to guard the territory, and in the afternoon to give the opportunity to relax in the cage.