Its characteristics are "Snowball" is a liquid milk product with fruit aroma, sweet flavor and delicate texture uniform. It contains a large number of the living bifidobacteria, so it is useful for the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system. In addition bifidocultures of yogurt ferment, in the "Snow" also includes sugar and skim whole milk, saturating the body with calcium.
For the production of "Snow white" used the leaven of pure cultures of thermophilic Streptococcus, to which is added the Bulgarian Bacillus and fruit-berry syrup. The result is a high quality dietary product, regular use of which helps to improve the flow of metabolic processes, increase the production of gastric juices and reduce the level of putrefactive microflora in the gut. Because of these properties, fermented milk drink "Snowball" has long been recognized by nutritionists as one of the most useful dairy based drinks.
To prepare the "Snow" in the home will need 150 ml of yogurt ferment, the shelf life of which is not more than seven days and 1 liter of hot boiled milk. Milk is poured into sterilized appropriate size container, cooled to a temperature of 38-39 degrees, add yeast and mix. Capacity is available, wrapped and left to skachivaetsya twenty-four hours. Then the leaven put in three or four hours in the refrigerator. The finished drink should be eaten for two days because it quickly loses its beneficial properties.
If desired in the cooking process, "Snow" can be added to the yogurt ferment any fruit or berry filling with a small amount of sweetener, these components will give the drink a pleasant sweet taste which will appeal to even the youngest children. When using fillers of different colors you can make a beautiful layered "Snow" spilling colorful thick layers in high transparent glasses, pre-mixed and cooled each layer, so that it is not mixed with the previous one.