Fire hydrant


  • Cayenne pepper — a pinch;
  • lemon juice;
  • water is filtered.

Be energetic — this means not only sleep for 8 hours a day, but drink plenty of water.

The recipe of our first energy is quite simple — it is a mixture of Cayenne pepper, water and lemon juice. Talk a little bit about the ingredients.

Lemon has a pleasant taste and it has acid support healthy pH level. Cayenne pepper improves heart function and increases energy.

Add the ingredients in 4 cups of water and stir. You can drink several times a day.


  • turmeric — 1/4 tsp;
  • cardamom — 1/4 tsp.;
  • fresh ginger — two-piece;
  • honey — 2 tsp.;
  • hot water.

This drink is better not to drink in the evening, otherwise you will not be able to sleep. On a grater grate the ginger or crush it with a garlic press. Add a Cup of spice, pour the boiling water and stir.

Invigorates it with a large dose of ginger. The drink has not only effektivnosti, but wonderful taste. Ginger improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism and has a positive effect on digestion.

Drinking this natural energy drink after lunch, when it draws to sleep. Turmeric is a close relative of ginger and is also makes a person energetic. The honey will make the drink sweet and will help in strengthening the immune system.


  • milk — 1 Cup;
  • flax seed — 1 tsp;
  • yogurt without filler — 1/2 Cup;
  • cabbage — 2 leaves;
  • almonds — 1/4 Cup;
  • ripe banana — 1 PC.

Take some deep Cup of medium size and mix it with Flaxseed milk. Then add the yogurt without filler.

The grinding in a blender cabbage leaves Ripe banana, crush and turn into mush. Chop up almonds into small pieces. Add all the ingredients in the overall mixture and mix well. To consume this drink better in the morning, along with a sandwich.