Human memory cannot be represented in the form of a "granary books", which once and forever written all that man has ever seen, heard, and experienced. Memory is a living phenomenon of neural connections in the cortex appear and disappear. First break the ties that seldom aktiviziruyutsya aktiviziruyutsya or not at all – that's why people forget information, which is not.
In some cases, forgetting acts as a protective mechanism: memory gets rid of the damaging information that is associated with negative emotions. This is especially the case due to the strong fear, while the effects of stress in the form of a nervous breakdown and left. So, in the Middle ages was born the legend of the kidnapping elves, goblins and other fantasy creatures, and now – about alien abduction.
Artificial forgetting connected with the necessity to help people suffering from the negative memories. To a certain extent this is enabled by hypnosis. In such experiments, the people at the command of the hypnotist for a few minutes, he even forgot his name. Some of the results are dazzling. For example, one hypnotist to get the patient to forget about... allergies. During the next flowering herbs this man did not feel his usual painful symptoms. However, the possibilities of hypnosis in this respect is limited: the memories do not disappear, but blocked and something can re-call them to life. Have referred the patient again became allergic after talking about it with your doctor.
Memory can be influenced by chemical means, for example by blocking the action of the enzyme proteinkinase. A group of scientists from the University of California, led by D. Glanzmann proved the possibility of blocking of negative memories in this way. However, the object of research was the snail that her nervous system is not comparable with a human, and no one can say how the election will be forgetting in humans.
These "tablets of memory", which weakens neural connections are developed and Russian scientists, headed by K. Anaheim. It is assumed this drug on the background of active subject to recall by the patient of those episodes that he would like to forget. But on the practical application of it is not. According to K. Anokhin, "the chemistry of the brain much easier to break than to improve."
True memories can be partly to block the creation of false. For this purpose it is enough to give the installation. For example, in one experiment, subjects were asked whether they met the Bunny at Disneyland. People recalled about the meeting, despite the fact that this character, at Disneyland no. Sometimes the installation give the dominant society mood. For example, in the 70-ies of the 20th century, many American "remembered" about sexual abuse by a father, uncle or older brother allegedly took place in childhood. Perhaps the deliberate introduction of false memories to a specific person, especially if he has a heightened suggestibility.
In General, scientists are reluctant to the idea of selective Erasure of memory. If this will be possible in the future, no one can say what effect the forgetting of negative episodes from the past in the memory of the patient and his mental life as a whole.
In some cases, forgetting acts as a protective mechanism: memory gets rid of the damaging information that is associated with negative emotions. This is especially the case due to the strong fear, while the effects of stress in the form of a nervous breakdown and left. So, in the Middle ages was born the legend of the kidnapping elves, goblins and other fantasy creatures, and now – about alien abduction.
Artificial forgetting connected with the necessity to help people suffering from the negative memories. To a certain extent this is enabled by hypnosis. In such experiments, the people at the command of the hypnotist for a few minutes, he even forgot his name. Some of the results are dazzling. For example, one hypnotist to get the patient to forget about... allergies. During the next flowering herbs this man did not feel his usual painful symptoms. However, the possibilities of hypnosis in this respect is limited: the memories do not disappear, but blocked and something can re-call them to life. Have referred the patient again became allergic after talking about it with your doctor.
Memory can be influenced by chemical means, for example by blocking the action of the enzyme proteinkinase. A group of scientists from the University of California, led by D. Glanzmann proved the possibility of blocking of negative memories in this way. However, the object of research was the snail that her nervous system is not comparable with a human, and no one can say how the election will be forgetting in humans.
These "tablets of memory", which weakens neural connections are developed and Russian scientists, headed by K. Anaheim. It is assumed this drug on the background of active subject to recall by the patient of those episodes that he would like to forget. But on the practical application of it is not. According to K. Anokhin, "the chemistry of the brain much easier to break than to improve."
True memories can be partly to block the creation of false. For this purpose it is enough to give the installation. For example, in one experiment, subjects were asked whether they met the Bunny at Disneyland. People recalled about the meeting, despite the fact that this character, at Disneyland no. Sometimes the installation give the dominant society mood. For example, in the 70-ies of the 20th century, many American "remembered" about sexual abuse by a father, uncle or older brother allegedly took place in childhood. Perhaps the deliberate introduction of false memories to a specific person, especially if he has a heightened suggestibility.
In General, scientists are reluctant to the idea of selective Erasure of memory. If this will be possible in the future, no one can say what effect the forgetting of negative episodes from the past in the memory of the patient and his mental life as a whole.