Who are the energy vampires?
Energy vampire is a person who feeds on negative energy. This explains the fact that these vampires from their victims, need only to negative energy and as we know, the human aura is open only to kindred of energy. That's why these people provoke society into a splash of negativity such as anger, irritation, resentment. By the way, the online community calls these people trolls.
Signs of energy vampires
Compare these people with vampires of the horror is very conditional, because the name they received was not due to some external data, making them similar to fanged vampires, and thanks to the highly questionable behavior. These people can be nice looking, neat, educated, but at every opportunity will provoke conflicts, scandals and squabbles. These people are everywhere sow strife and discord.
How to protectXia from energy vampires?
You need to try to reduce your contact with such people to a minimum or generally move away from them. If you do not communicate with them does not work, then you need to learn not to succumb to their provocations. The fact that the true energoseti know how to force his victim to part with a significant part of their energy. Fortunately, vampires, sucking energy from people deliberately, not so much. Most of Energoatom doing it unconsciously. Often they do not understand why provoke other people.
To not let the energy vampires suck the energy, you need to keep yourself in good physical shape, to strengthen your immune system, get enough sleep and to follow a diet. The fact that many energoseti intuitively "smell" those people who have weak spiritual protection: a painful condition, the absence of immunity. If you still have to talk to that person, then you do not need to flaunt in front of them their emotions and feelings. It will not lead to anything good. To communicate with vampire should be calm and measured. It's fast it will scare you off, because with people like vampires to chat just not interested.
There is another simple but effective way to protect against energy vampires. You should always carry a mirror, a directional reflective layer to the outside. Such a mirror would reflect all the negative message coming from the vampire. As a result, this person will not be able to exchange negative energy with his failed sacrifice, and all the negativity will return back to him. Often energoseti trying to talk to his victim about her same – it will generate strong enough emotions on her part and, as a result, "food" for a vampire. In this case, you need to always change the subject.