Independent parts of speech include noun, adjective, verb, numeral, pronoun, speech,i.e. the Noun is an independent part of speech, which generally refers to the subject and answers the questions who? what? This group of words may denote the object (table, house), face (boy, student), animal (cow, Fox), symptom (depth, height), abstract concept (conscience, altruism), action (singing, dancing), the attitude (equality, uniqueness). Nouns are animate or inanimate, private or common nouns, have gender, number and case. In the sentence they are the subject or additions. Adjective — an independent part of speech, indicating a sign of the subject and answers the question "what?", "what?", "what?", "what?", "whose?". Under the symptom is commonly understood properties, quality, identity, characterizing the items.Value of the adjectives are divided into qualitative, relative and possessive. Adjectives depend on nouns and agree with them, that is put in the same case, number and gender. Adjectives can have a full and short form (green, green). In the sentence these parts of speech are usually consistent definitions. Short adjectives are used only as a predicate.The verb is an independent part of speechthat denotes a state or action of the subject and answers the questions of what to do? what to do? (to be, to fly, to watch). The verbs are in the imperfect and the perfect, transitive and intransitive. This part of the speech is changed according to the mood. The initial (undefined) form of the verb is called the infinitive. She has no time number, person and kind (to do, to go). In the sentence verbs are the predicate. The sacrament is a special form of the verb, indicating a sign of the subject in action. It answers the questions "what?", "what?", "what?" (flying, draw).A gerund is a special invariable form of the verb for a sign, but serving as a sign of another action. It answers the questions "what doing?", "what doing?" (crying, playing, skipping).Numeral is an independent part of speechthat denotes the number of items and their order in the account. By value, they are divided into quantitative (answering the question "how much?") and ordinal (answer the questions "what?", "what?"). Numbers change on cases (fifth, fifth, fifth). Numerals in the sentence are subject, predicate, fact, time, by definition. The pronoun is an independent part of speech, pointing to objects, signs, but do not call them (I, my, this).In the sentence used in the role of subject, complement, determine, at least — the circumstances of the predicate. The meaning of pronouns can be classified as personal (I, you, he, they), reflexive (myself), interrogative (who, which), relative (who, what, which), indefinite (a, some), negative (no, number), possessive (my, our, their), demonstrative (that, this, so much), attributive (whoever else).Forspeeche — independent part of speechthat indicates the feature of an object, a sign operation, the sign of another sign. It answers the questions "how?" "where?" "where?" "when?" "why?" "for what?" (well, carefully, beautifully, tomorrow, really). Onspeeche not declined, not conjugated in the sentence is most often the circumstance.
What is an independent part of speech
Parts of speech are groups of words with similar characteristics. In the Russian language, there are self-service part. Independent call objects, properties, quantity, action, state or indicate them. These words are called so because they can be used in speech without any auxiliary words.

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