You will need
  • sets;
  • water;
  • - fertile soil.
The bow on the crown of the plant sets. It can be purchased in the shop at the market or grow your own. If you want to save, the second option is preferable. Planting sets can be under winter or spring.
Buy onion seeds, if you want to grow your own sets. Pay attention to the grade. You can plant the seeds that will eventually grow bulb white, red or yellow.
Make grooves in loose fertile soil to a depth of 7 mm. Pour water on them. Remove the heads, the tip of the spray gun. Then the jet is well moistened with these grooves. Put them in onion seeds at a distance of 2 cm from each other, sprinkle with soil.
Soon you would see sprouts. In August, the plant transformirovalsya in onion – onions with a diameter of 0.5-2 cm Dig them when the pen is yellow, dry in the sun for seven days. Store in a cool, dry place. It is best to put the onion in paper bags and storing at a temperature of +15+20oC. Medium and large store in a cool place at home, and small plant in the garden in the period from October 10 to 30.
If the home is no place to hold it, then drop the whole onion in the winter. Onion on turnip can be planted in 2 terms – fall and spring. If you choose to do this October, then dig up the flower bed 2 weeks before planting, so she has time to settle. Make grooves to a depth of 4-6 cm, depending on the size of the bulb. Not to spill the soil, and put in these small trenches sets at a distance of 6-7 cm from each other.
Fill the furrow with earth, put a peat layer of 3 inches will protect the plants from freezing in winter.
If you bought seed in the spring or kept it at home, then planted in soil from 1 to 12 may. The period depends on the weather. Commit sets the earth on 12 may, if 1 th of the soil is not sufficiently warmed. You can't put him in the cold ground, as then it is likely that the bow goes into the arrow.
First, dig up a flower bed with a shovel, then break up clumps with a rake, hoes. If you have heavy soil, then for every square meter of the ridge, add 2 buckets of compost, sand, tablespoon nitrophoska. Mix it all with soil, make a hoe strip to a depth of 3 to 6 cm.
If on top sevka still can not see the feathers, then take the scissors and otstegat dry part of the top of the cupolas. This technique will help the greens faster to get to the light, and grow it will be orderly. Pour the furrow, place the bulbs. Cover them with soil to each layer was 2 cm.
Periodically watered, loosen, fertilize planting, and by early August you will grow a perfect onion. The heads will be the size of a fist, and then with two.