You will need
  • - Laundry soap;
  • soap "Antipyatin";
  • - white spirit;
  • - gasoline;
  • - kerosene;
  • - liquid nail Polish remover;
  • - solvent;
  • - acetone;
  • - sponge;
  • - denatured alcohol;
  • - glycerin;
  • - ammonia;
  • - "Vanish";
  • - oxalic acid.
Once you have discovered stains of gouache, just dampen the cloth, lather the densely soap or "Antipathies", rinse the thing in clean water, wash, dry. If the stain into the cloth left not fully treat their solvent substances that help not only get rid of the coloring pigment, and completely remove the fat composition is added in gouache and oil to dissolve the tape glue.
Suitable acetone, white spirit, gasoline, kerosene, liquid varnish remover, solvent 646. Soak the sponge with one of these funds, carefully wipe the place of contamination, leave the product on for 30 minutes, repeat the process, wash the fabric in soapy warm solution and then in the washing machine. This method completely removes the gouache, but is only suitable for resistant fabrics such as cotton, satin, knit.
Removal of gouache with silk, velvet, suede, acetate, use a mild solution of equal parts denatured, ammonia and glycerin. Apply the product on the sponge, carefully wipe the place of contamination, leave on for 30 minutes, wash item in a basin, additionally applying soap, and then usual Laundry, designed for this type of tissues.
For removing stains of gouache with delicate fabrics you can use the stain remover under the trade name "Vanish", which is available for white and colored fabrics. Read the instructions, apply the product for contamination, hold indicated on the packing time, add a scoop of "Vanish" in the wash.
To remove fresh stains you can use a mixture of equal parts of oxalic acid and ammonia. Put on space pollution, hold 30 minutes, rinse the cloth in warm clean water, wash the item in the washing machine.