The easiest and most reliable way is to use the public mail. Go to the office, which is usually denoted by the letters "BRT". In large cities, they are working around the clock, and small – Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.30 with an hour break for lunch. Remember that to be sent to any country in the world banned weapons, drugs, animals, plants and seeds, drugs and some other items.
Complete the mail form in which you specify the contents of the package, for example, toys, books, etc. On the package, write the address in Latin letters, and the recipient's address – in Russian letters. If the recipient did not pay the transmittal fee, you can specify the form that the item is a gift.
Pay postage and find out the cipher package. With it, you will be able to track its movement via the Internet and will know exactly when she reached the addressee. Slight difficulty when sending. In some post offices You may be asked to open the package and demonstrate the content, then have to re-wrap the parcel.
If you do not want to use postal services, as the subject is too long, you can pass it along with a man who goes from Turkey to Russia. International networks there are special sites that help you find the right carrier, for example, However, customs will have to take place anyway, so to smuggle a forbidden item will fail. In addition, there is a risk of losing the package, because you trust her a stranger a stranger without any guarantees.
Use the services of the transport company. This organization specializiruetsya on sending packages, parcels and large cargo to other countries. It is much safer than to trust the right thing to outsiders. Delivery is made in shortest possible time, the company determines what type of transport is better to use. The only drawback is a big enough price for the service.