You will need
  • - Hex Workshop;
  • - Handy Recovery;
  • - JPGScan;
  • - JPEG Shop;
To restore pictures from USB drive to start it is best to capture an image of the card to the hard drive and work directly with him. You can use the utility HexWorkshop (menu "Disk" - "Open Drive" - "Physical Disks" and then "Disk" - "Save Sector Range" - "Entire Disk").
To recover deleted files, install any specialized tool which has the function of imaging. Good program Handy Recovery or PhotoRescue. In the settings of an installed application, simply specify the path to the image stick or removable drive and click "Start". After some time, the program will display all the files that were recovered.
If jpeg is displayed partially, it is necessary to begin to assess the level of damage of the file and its suitability for restoration. You can use the program JPGScan. Install the app, run it, go to the tab "Main" - "Scan file for JPEG and specify the path to the affected file. At the end of the test appears graphical and textual assessment of the suitability, which will make the conclusion about the possibility of recovery. For normal JPEG images, the graph looks like a pattern of green dots with a small number of pixels of a different color.
To view the corrupted files good program JpegSnoop. To restore small lesions, use JPEG Recovery utility. If the image is badly damaged, it is possible to try the utility of JPEG Ripper.