You will need
  • - iron
  • - cotton cloth (gauze, thick paper);
  • ice.
Place the affected clothing on the Ironing Board and using a cotton cloth iron the area where the gum got stuck. Puts a napkin on both sides of the fabric (inside and outside). Instead of napkins, you can use cheesecloth, folded, or thick paper. If after the gum has managed to successfully peel off, you notice that the clothes remained a white spot, take a solvent without acetone and gently RUB. Suitable as a gasoline of high purity and even tool Polish remover, containing acetone (acetone can cause a local color change of the fabric).
Remove clothing stuck chewing gum in the freezer of the refrigerator. Through 1-1,5 hours, remove the hardened gum easily peel from the fabric. You will only wash clothes in the machine by setting the wash cycle 60°.
If there was no space in the freezer, or you abhorrent to the products to put clothes (especially pants or sweat shirt, use ice. You can just apply ice to the gum, can be filled with ice, some kind of metal container (bowl, pot) and put in some time on the gum. The gum will harden and will easily lag behind fabric.
If the garment to which the gum got stuck, withstand high temperature, put it in a bowl, cover with water so that the affected area was located at the top (so you can see the gum). Put the basin on the heat and once the water heats up, begin to roll the gum. For example, in a match. The hotter will become water, the easier it will be to roll the gum. When it does not remain completely, RUB the section of the cloth with a brush. If clothing is not contraindicated boiling, boil it for half an hour, cleaning the occasional stain from the gum with a brush.