First, if you buy silver through a centralized trading network, the silverware should be branded. View first test, which put the manufacturer on your product. The sample represents the 3 smallest numbers in the rectangle, marked on the silver. If you do not distinguish the numbers on the eye, take a magnifying glass. For silver in Russia has the following samples: 750, 800, 875, 916, 925, 960, 999. The higher the sample, the more silver in the product. 750 means that the silver in the product 75%, the remainder consists of impurities. 999 — pure silver.
If you are the owner of the alleged silver jewelry without a factory stamp with the sample, it is possible to determine the authenticity of silver at home. Take the magnet and move to the product — silver does not have magnetic properties.
Buy at the pharmacy sulfur ointment and apply it on the product. Wait an hour and a half. If the product turns black, then you are dealing with silverm
Try to RUB your garment with the piece of chalk. If Mel will turn black is a sign of silver.
Apply the product with a drop of iodine. Silver will turn black. And the higher the alloy, the harder and faster formed black. However, in order to clean after this test the product, it will take time.
A radical method of determining silver. Remove the product in a thin layer of metal. To do this, take a needle file and swipe once on the product in an inconspicuous area. Then take a piece of the porcelain and move it over to this place. Porcelain will remain a metal strip. Next, take one part nitric acid and one part of potassium dichromate. Connect these parts in a glass container. Oil obtained by reagent strip of metal on porcelain. If the product has at least 30% silver, the wet spot will become red.
RUB the product between your palms. Pure silver will not leave you no trace. If there are dark spots, most likely silver diluted with zinc. In addition, silver is sufficient thermal conductivity and quickly acquire the temperature of your body, if you hold the product in hand.
Sometimes under the guise of silver sold silver bronze copper or brass items. To determine this, take an ordinary needle and repeatedly scratch her product in an inconspicuous area. If you see that the scratches have acquired a Golden hue — the conclusion is obvious.